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Blue Marron Suppliers

PASES Aqua supplies the most vibrant blue marron locally, interstate and overseas.

Smooth Blue Marron (Cherax cainii): Water quality requirements of blue marron include:

Temperature – 15 – 25 ̊C, when temperatures exceed 25 ̊C water chilling methods are required such as using a water chiller, or ice to gradually bring down the temperature. Marron grow in the summer months, and during winter months when temperatures are below 15 ̊C marron become less active and take longer to grow. Marron should be kept in a minimum depth of 50cm of water and bare concrete bottom ponds or culture vessels should be avoided because of causing blister sores on the tail of the marron.

Dissolved Oxygen – Oxygen levels within a pond should be maintained above 6ppm. However although not recommended, marron can withstand oxygen levels as low as 3ppm. Aeration is ideal and air stones should be placed around 50mm from the base of culture vessel (this reduces suspending solid wastes in the water column).

pH– Water with a pH between 7.5 and 8.5 is recommended however marron can tolerate a pH of 7.0 – 9.0. A pH below 7.0 will increase the toxicity of dissolved metals within the water column and soften the exoskeleton of the marron. A pH of above 9.0 will greatly increase the toxicity of ammonia within the ponds.

Alkalinity (KH) and Hardness (GH) – KH levels should be maintained at around 50 to 300 mg/l which provides a good buffering (stabilizing) effect to pH swings that occur in ponds due to the respiration of aquatic flora and fauna. A lack of calcium (low GH) in the water will also result in soft shelled marron as they rely on the intake of calcium from the water column to harden their shells after moulting.

Salinity – Marron can withstand salinities up to 17ppt however their growth rates start decreasing when the salinity reaches 4ppt.

Diet – Marron naturally consume detritus including animal and vegetable materials, that falls into rivers; what they don’t eat immediately, they shred for further bacterial breakdown. Commercial formulated marron pellets are used in aquaculture or ornamental industry, these are sinking pellets and consist of all the necessary vitamins and minerals for marron growth.

Shelter – Marron are vulnerable to attacks when shedding/moulting or berried (with eggs) so provide adequate shelter when stocking multiple marron in the same culture vessel to provide protection.

Growth – Marron can grow up to 38.5cm and weight up to 2.2kg.

Sexual Maturity – Marron can take generally up to 2-3 years to sexually mature and females can produce up to 200 to 400 eggs larger females however can produce up to 800 eggs. Eggs usually take half a year to develop.


Frequently asked questions

PASES Aqua has a retail store located in Cockburn Central WA where marron are stocked in the colder months. We provide shipping in Australia via airport to airport where minimum orders apply. 

Cost varies on colour and size. Electric blue marron are much more costly than browns. Bulk buy discounts can be applied.

Yes we sell brown marron. Caring for brown marron is exactly the same as blues.

Electric blue marron are born blue and are still the same species as brown marron. Originally bred from a rare genetic mutation two adult blue marron bred together will now always produce blue babies.

Short answer yes. Blue marron taste the same as browns although are not commonly sold for eating purposes due to cost compared to browns.

There is always a risk involved keeping marron with fish. If they can catch them they will eat them. Best keep with fast moving fish and deep enough ponds so the fish can avoid the bottom.

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We have the drive, the passion, and the knowledge to help you. We employ the right people with a strong background in fish, and/or qualifications in Biology or Aquaculture and/or related fields